Imagining Your Successful Business

As you are contemplating your business idea, an entrepreneur should also be thinking through all aspects of the business to determine the time, cost and resources needed to start-up. Many rising entrepreneurs ask – how do you visualize your successful business in a way you can clearly see the actions needed to get the doors or website open.

One trick we like is to imagine yourself as a customer of your own business. What does the customer experience look like? When the customer walks into your store or restaurant or office, or engages through your website, what does the customer see? How is the service delivered? How does the customer pay? What options are available? As you are walking through as your own customer, think about every aspect of the business the customer touches, and write down the action items you would need to do to ensure the customer has the experience.

Being able to ‘see’ your business is critical to your planning because it allows you to carefully think through the actual process you would need to complete to get your business going. You will never know about all the unexpected surprises or unpredictable variables that arise when launching a new business, but you will feel confident you have identified many of the steps you need to take to be successful.

Remember to keep thinking about your business on all levels, especially the reasons you came up with the idea in the first place. Before you know it, your visualization will be actual action items towards your goals. Then your goals will be your new reality of opening your business.

Avoiding a Wantrepreneur’s Fear of Mistakes

Many aspiring entrepreneurs say they are afraid of doing something wrong with the business. With all the risk inherent in starting a business, with the huge investment of time and money, new entrepreneurs are terrified of errors.

Well as everyone who goes through the wonderful process of starting their own business will tell you – you will make mistakes. In fact, mistakes are important. Because fixing mistakes becomes business experience, and the more you learn the better you will be. Ready Entrepreneur approaches business building by actually having you start the business – at least on paper or virtually – by creating a vision of your successful business, and then making decisions leading to the vision. But you will have no idea which variables will be a factor on the day you go live or open your doors to the customers. So you are more likely than not going to experience challenges with all the possibilities you could not predict.

Don’t worry about the issues you did not or could have known. You will be able to work through all disruptions and solve the problems that arise. And even if you can’t, you will learn valuable lessons to help you the next time.

Avoid letting the idea of mistakes get to you, and stay focused on the goal you want to achieve – building your own successful business.

Here is a mistakes to avoid list from Inc magazine and another from Entrepreneur.  At Ready Entrepreneur, we try to address all these issues up front, so any mistakes you find may be coming from the variables no one could predict.

Hello Ready Entrepreneurs!

Hello I’m Case Lane and Welcome to Ready Entrepreneur

The service designed to get your business idea to the launch starting line.

This site is for you if:

  • You are a Wantrepreneur!
    • You want to start a business but something is stopping you
  • You have a great business idea!
    • But have not started your business
  • You are not sure you have the Confidence to start a business
  • You are not sure you have the Time to start a business
  • You are not sure you have the Money to start a business
  • You have a lot of questions about making yourself an entrepreneur
  • You have a business!
    • But you are having a hard time keeping it going

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