Ready Entrepreneur

The TikTok Flip Flop Boost to the Creator Economy

The TikTok Flip Flop marks a dramatic change for the way online entrepreneurs and the Creator Economy are viewed by government and business.

For everyday society, locked on our digital devices, connected without disruption to the Internet, and easily swayed into ‘scrolling’ away our day, our current functioning is no secret to even passive observers in government, media, education and business.

But they still decided to ban TikTok, only to lead to a backlash which led to the not-ban. Over a year, legislators changed their mind about the threat of the TikTok app, largely due to a recognition of the value of online creators.

But how impactful is the impact?

The traditional industrial world is still in tact. Broadcast television networks still exist. And the functionaries in government still view the world through a 1970s lens. Yet, every now and then we are reminded that the world is changing, and changing fast.

The app is a popular platform for creators who are drawing attention to themselves, products and services by making short form videos. But TikTok is owned by a Chinese company raising alarms about its capabilities from the time it first appeared.

Yet because online creators use the app to earn income, and at the 11th hour, the original decision to ban the app on national security grounds was put on hold to allow time to come up with a plan to keep the app turned on.

Does the TikTok FlipFlop mean that online creators are being taken seriously and the revenue they generate from what was once considered a hobby is actually an important part of the economy that governments must recognize and understand?

What is the TikTok Flip Flop?

On January 20, 2025, an app loaded with videos of dancing grandmas, food concoctions and teenage pranksters received a 75 day reprieve from a total ban in the United States.

The ban, aka Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, was approved generally over fears the app owner’s home country, China, would use the data generated by the app’s use to jeopardize the security of the United States.

The decision to go from national security fears to compromised delay in twelve hours generated many questions, but behind the scenes highlighted a new recognition about the United States’ economy.

Digital creators have a real economic impact that should not be disrupted, even if there are national security concerns.


The Flip Flop Background

The federal government has decided not to enforce the law banning TikTok until at least April 2025.

But in the statements about extending TikTok’s life, no one citied new evidence about the national security threat, new protections or new controls on the app’s use. There is no announced plan to build defenses against TikTok’s alleged infiltration capabilities. [Disclosure: this blogger writes technothriller novels where the government controls all digital activity through one omnipresent cyber network, and therefore always wonders if there is any possibility the books’ vision will become reality.]

Instead the concern was about the Creator Economy and the thousands of people who earn a living on TikTok.

While the past and current governments champion a return to manufacturing and bring back factories from abroad, you will not find many 20-year olds who are happy to pick up a lunch bucket, punch a time clock and put in their 40 hours a week. You will find plenty who are planning tricks, demonstrations and photo poses that can go on TikTok with the hope of going viral and earning money without leaving home.

Creators drive eyeballs and ears to their videos and posts, and there is value in the numbers. One payment can come from TikTok just from having the numbers who view your post. The other payment comes from brands who pay for placement and promotion. A third revenue stream can eventually come from selling products and services related to the posts.

TikTok itself played a part in getting the message out that the app is a place to make money. The company spent millions on an advertising campaign that showed creators talking about how they use the app for valuable purposes.

All that action, by thousands of people, many who depend on the income, eventually forced the government to take notice and reassess the TikTok ban.

The goal evolved to having TikTok become bought by a U.S. owner, or maybe even the U.S. government, so that it could keep going. Finding a way to keep the income flow became the priority.

Wow again!

The Value of the Creator Economy on TikTok

When a manufacturing factory is destined to close, sources know exactly how many people will be laid off, the value of their salaries to the local community, and the economic loss to the economy.

That is not the case with TikTok.

Although the company states there are around five million businesses using the app, the IRS and government statistics agencies do not (yet) track the number of people who specifically state that they earn their income on TikTok. But the slow brewing recognition of creators pushing back against the ban was enough for government to decide that rescuing TikTok was a better idea than letting it go.

This is also extraordinary and points to another transformation of understanding for our digital age.

The Creator Economy, tech tools like apps and revenue sources like digital advertising are fast moving, ever evolving and, so far, difficult to classify.

Government is slow, staid and set in its ways.

To track the real economic value of creators, government agencies will need people who know how to identify and label the new sources of work and income. What do you call someone who puts a dinner recipe on fast speed and then sits and eats it on camera?

These employment categories and names do not yet exist and therefore neither does the data.  So ironically, the decision to save TikTok was not made on numbers analysis, it was made on…TikTok.

The list of legitimate reasons to ban TikTok definitely reads like the threat list from a future tech spy thriller, yet influence was still able to change the legislators’ minds.  Social media influence.

Another crack opened up the once predictable fabric of our structured lives.  And a new world understanding opened up for aspiring entrepreneurs.

The Creators’ Impact on the TikTok Flip Flop Decision

Creators used their platform to save their income. They may have written letters to Congress too but the most visible symbol of the pushback was on the platform itself.

While mainstream media talked about the proposed ban, creators were not seen being interviewed on Sunday news programs to defend their income. In fact, since most of the most popular creators are wealthy and known for reasons mainstream media does not understand, the news would have a difficult time deciding who would be the best, and safest, spokesperson for the industry.

The industry after all is disparate by choice and practicality, that’s what makes it valuable. Creators are providing niche entertainment for millions who have individual tastes and interests.

The ten wealthiest earners on TikTok do not have any of the name recognition of the highest paid movie star, a Super Bowl winning quarterback or even a broadcast talk show host. Despite the millions of views, they are not considered mainstream. But yet, they have influence, and so does their audience.

And that has changed the making and implementation of legislation, irrevocably.

What the Creators’ Impact Means

Going forward, and looking beyond TikTok, the role of social media influencers will continue to grow. Constant reports about ‘cord cutting’ indicates a move to streaming entertainment online where traditional broadcast television shows now sit next to attention getting content on social media apps.

Traditional television broadcasting is still a $75 billion dollar a year enterprise, that’s a lot of brand sponsorship money that has yet to find its way to influencers targeting niches. Since broadcasters have to go for the large audience, and influencers can get by on a few thousand a month, the revenue gap between the two will remain large.

The current legal reprieve should also not be considered a win. The law passed and was upheld by the courts. TikTok is not available in app stores, only existing users still have it. And all new apps from China or any other country considered a ‘foreign adversary’ face the same law and may be forced to divest of its U.S. business.

TikTok may also not survive if it is bought by owners who current users do not like or who impose policies that users reject. This may instigate a fall in the value of the platform because popular users will leave for other apps.  In fact during the ban discussion, users already started to move, including ironically to another Chinese-owned app.

Within any app available, influencers will continue to cultivate those targeted dollars, and be comfortable supporting their family with self-generated content, leaving government with no choice but to ensure legislation promotes, not disrupts, their revenue stream.

The TikTok Flip Flop is ultimately saying that the government recognizes there is a Creator Economy, the Creator Economy allows thousands of people to earn their own income online, these influencers are strong and have a platform they can use, and it is not in the economy’s best interest to shut them down.

Triple Wow!!!

The Next Action for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur who has been sitting on the fence about starting your own online business, the TikTok Flip Flop should be your wake-up call.

The Creator Economy is real. Money is being made and even the government wants to support it regardless of the potential threat.

You too can be like those influencers who stood up for the platform by pointing out that they are supporting a family, paying their mortgage or saving for college with the money they make on TikTok.

And they are making money on the other platforms too. They are also sponsoring related products and building digital and service businesses. All part of securing their own future by entrepreneurial activities and using the tools at their disposal.

The door is open to anyone who will take the time to get the work done. And the way forward is loaded with a new recognition of the impact you have, and the opportunity you create by being on the side of the creators.

Are we still absorbing the rise of the iPhone and the omnipresence of the Internet?  No.

Is the transformation from the industrial to the digital age on a fast track driven by A.I. and the establishment of the Creator Economy? Yes.

We do not know what will eventually happen with TikTok. But we do know that the opportunity online is real, and if you are watching it happen, it’s time to jump in and take your piece of the pie.

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The Ebb and Flow of Online Business

How Algorithms Upend Opportunity Every Day

by Case Lane

The allure of online business opportunity is mesmerizing…put something online and watch the money flow in. 

Dozens of ‘gurus’ will sell you their ‘best way’ to riches, laced with unbelievable bonuses, you’ll never see again.  And the cash will continue to flow covering blogs, podcasts, videos, information, entertainment, and even physical products with a long road to freedom driven by instant wealth.

Yet underneath it all, almost daily, there is a looming threat built on the same foundation as the optimism – the ever changing algorithms that both float and sink a million business dreams every day.

The Online Business Foundation

Online businesses are built on the online platforms, and are therefore dependent on the decisions made by another set of insurmountable gurus.

In traditional business, brick and mortar, you may run into trouble for a day or two, for example, if the city does not run snow removal down the street in front of your store following a blizzard.

But online, you can lose your entire business, without appeal, to algorithm changes that you cannot prepare for, nor understand how to recover from before they happen.

You can only begin another cycle of ‘testing,’ trying to discover the new secrets to making your pages work again, before you run out of revenue.

The Ups

Organic search by Keyword

Anyone can create a blog, or podcast or video and post it online for free. What happens next is a question for the algorithm seers.

If people organically find your post, meaning they just happen to come across it by virtue of the search terms they are using, and you start seeing traffic on your site without doing any work, then people assume you have conquered – SEO – search engine optimization, the ability to get the search engine to find you simply by using the right keywords in your headlines and copy.

If no one shows up on your page, you have nothing.

The same goes for your podcast or videos.  But you can post, and do nothing but tweak your keywords until you see enough traffic to turn your content into advertising revenue. That’s a skill businesses would pay millions to acquire, and some do it well.

Organic Search from Social Media

The next level is also free – using social media to drive traffic to your sites. In this case, you are on one or more social media platforms delivering value through interesting or fun content that sends curious readers looking for more on your website. This increase in eyeballs can also lead to advertising dollars, for just the cost of your monthly website hosting fee.

Paid Ads

But the next level, the one that goes into a tailspin every time the algorithm changes is paid advertising – creating your ads, and then paying to specifically target an audience that you select.

There is the challenge. You have to figure out how to select the audience – the combination of variables that will result in the highest CTR or click-through-rate, leading to the highest number of conversions – people buying something from you.

If you want to sell fishing gear, you should target people who are interested in fishing…not fish – eating, or Fish – the 70s sitcom, or fish – the card game – actual fishing with a rod and reel. You are looking for people who actually buy the gear, not people who live in the desert and never travel, those who are interested in water and fish.

Since no one knows exactly which combination of variables will get your ad in front of the right people, paid advertising becomes a guessing game that improves with time, experimentation, and money.

You have to spend enough money to obtain meaningful data – for example at least 100 clicks on your ad, and then use that data to keep refining your ads. You have to ask: why did they click but not buy? That answer is worth millions.

When you do this analysis well…you create what Russell Brunson calls the best ATM in the world. Put in $1 get out $2 – what could be better?

The Downs

Organic search by Keyword

When people started putting questions into the search bar, changing search from random keywords to conversation, it changed the results…and the search engine.

If the search is now ‘how many’ or ‘what if’ or ‘who is’ you have to make sure your posts are answering those specific inquiries.

For people who were used to writing careful prose loaded with specifically researched words, the switch to voice-based search presented the next level of a challenge.

And it did not end there. Trying to guess the words people are entering into a search bar is a struggle in itself. Of course you can see this information, on Google for free, but then when you test it, you wonder is the data correct, or a hybrid of what’s really there?

As much as people want to believe that organic is gracious, people ask questions in multiple different ways. A subject you may believe is trending in your world could have few takers in the search result data.  This does not mean you need to abandon it, you just have to refine your approach.

And start again.

Organic search from Social Media

Each social media platform has its pros and cons. If you want to use links in your posts, avoid Instagram; if you want to write detailed posts avoid Twitter; if you want to repurpose your images across multiple platforms avoid Pinterest:, if you don’t want your work colleagues to see what you’re doing, avoid LinkedIn.

Then once you have decided which platform is right for you, you can post all day, and still get less than a handful of views, no likes and no comments.  Facebook could decide not to push your material to your friends, or you could be lost in the sea of cat videos that are moving up the feed.

You can post relentlessly every day, and barely see your numbers move. Or you could post one amazing image that goes viral, and sends everyone flocking to you.

You have no idea. You just have to keep posting valuable content, and hope that your information can somehow slip through the noise to reach the people you are intending to target.  It’s amazing on Facebook to see someone’s posts every day, and then they just disappear. You have no idea if the person disappeared, or if it was your lack of ‘liking’ their posts prompted Facebook to decide you just didn’t care. Either way, you just have to keep trying.

Paid Ads

On the down-side, the disruptions to paid advertising are the most difficult to tolerate, after all you are paying for the privilege of having your business lose money every day.

Since the platforms created the data, you simply have to believe in the mechanisms they present to you, even if reality does not align with functionality.

For example, there are dozens of guest podcasting groups on Facebook, but the terms ‘guest podcasting’ or ‘podcast guest’ do not come up in Facebook for Business as options for targeting your ads. How the platform comes to decide which words, and names, are in and which ones are out, remains a mystery tied up behind their digital doors.

Despite the fact that everyone on Facebook is supposed to be signaling quite clearly exactly where their interests lie, you still have to guess at how to target people for your ads, and then accept the cost as it is presented to you.

The system is inefficient, and unhelpful. And yet some have managed to make millions. And each time they do, the platforms live another day of hagiographic sentiment from the business community.

Even though the social media platforms bill themselves as communities, they are advertiser supported, and users accept the appearance of ads as the price to be paid for using the app.

In fact, some may even embrace it. Just hoping that someone feeds them an ad about something they can use, instead of randomly scrolling through more cat videos.

You Make the Decision

Growing your audience online is a guessing game, some more viable than others. Yes, there is skill involved too, but that skill is put to the test on a daily basis as changes are made and intentions rewritten.

For the aspiring entrepreneur who must build a life online through the social media platforms, and search engines (and how could you not?), the best option is to keep going forward.

Actions to Take

Always be checking your numbers, instead of leaving the bill to hit every day – check, refine, tweak and repeat until you are receiving more in sales than you pay in ads.

For organic traffic, keep pushing against the overload until your engagement starts to move. Respond to those who are acknowledging you, and repeat or refine your message every day.

Always remember you are looking at data, but dealing with humans. You came into this space because you have value to deliver, a solution that people need to find. If you remember that you are looking for those people who could use your help, and not just numbers on a spreadsheet, your message, your responses and your conversions will rise to meet your demand.

Online business will continue to ebb and flow, the success skill will always be in understanding how the marketplace is reacting, and finding your edge. And the more you are able to persevere until the clicks start falling your way, the longer you can stay in the game and get where you want to be as an online entrepreneur.

How to Decide on an Online Platform

Part 3 of 4: Choose to Be Comfortable

by Case Lane

When choosing to launch an online business, you do not want to be phony.

In fact, you are told must be authentic.

Except there’s the conflict. You are being told you MUST be authentic, under the assumption that everyone knows what authentic is.

At the same time that people claim you must be authentic, they also claim you should make videos, or send email, or start a podcast or dance on Tik-Tok. 

Aspiring entrepreneurs who want to start a business, and attract an audience, but are turned off by the so-called ‘authentic’ things everyone is saying to do, need an alternative for appearing on an online platform.

The best bet is to pick the space where you are most comfortable.

What is an Online Platform?

Your online platform is the Internet space where you have your online presence – the basis for your business.

Bloggers have a website, podcasters appear in directories, vloggers post YouTube videos. Social media influencers dominate on Facebook or Instagram or Twitter.

You decide which one works best for you by deciding first which form of public expression suits your preferences.

A Presence You Own and Defend

A while back, in Hollywood, one of my colleagues once told me about this incredible idea one of the senior executives had that would change the industry.

My colleague was prone to exaggeration about a senior executive’s idea…especially if it could lead to career advancement. But the executive in question was more qualified than most, and had a solid reputation.

The idea could have been great…

….but, it was terrible.

And to my surprise I told my colleague exactly what I thought of the idea. I reacted against character because I felt passionate about the subject, and had a strong opinion of its viability.

The decision whether the idea would be implemented was not mine to make, but the opinion was definitely mine to express.

The defense of your own approach is even more pronounced online. 

Model Your Own Instincts

When you see people online in your target industry acting all the same – being cutesy, dancing, giving shoutouts, swearing and hollering….

You might think that’s how you have to behave to win over people in your potential community.

Many aspiring entrepreneurs imitate successful people because they believe the success can be directly copied.

But that approach rarely works

There is already a successful person being the original version of who you want to be, so a fake version has a limited chance.

Often a new entrepreneur does not want to behave like the successful person.  But does it under the mistaken belief that the community will only respond to the questionable behavior.

However, since you are passionate about your product and service, and turned off by the presentation of the existing leaders in your field, then you may have an opportunity with other members of the community who feel as you do.

No doubt your niche has specific approaches to ensure you are seen by your community, and are communicating your message effectively, but you can modify your approach to ensure you are comfortable, and therefore authentic in your presentation.

If you see a successful person in your industry who is a blogger, but you hate writing, you can either do something else, or outsource the writing to someone else.

Remember, online your marketplace is the entire world.  There is likely a community that would appreciate receiving your product or service in a form that it is not currently presented.

For example, today almost every book is released in digital, print and audio formats.  Not to mention those that may eventually be made into a movie or show. 

The reason you can keep releasing the same story in different forms is because different people want to absorb the same story in the format they prefer. 

Select Your Platform Preference

You can deliver your product or service offering on exactly the platform that you prefer.

You have to decide where you add value, and how you want to contribute based on your expertise and skills.

You can also look at your niche the same way. Test the approaches you prefer, and measure your community’s response.

For example, professional NFL football has one community of beer-drinking, screaming, face painters…and another of statistics and analysis geeks from analytics professors and statisticians to college students and the curious who discuss the probabilities of certain plays, moves and scores in every scenario.

The business of data is data tables, analysis apps, fantasy football instruction manuals, courses on how to understand the game, blog, podcast, affiliate for clothes, gear, and food…and more.

You can approach your own passion in your niche in any direction you choose, and find your community wherever they may be hiding.

You can write, talk, film, teach, dance or holler…

Practically everyone is on the Internet, and everyone is looking for their preferred approach to education, information and entertainment.

There is no competition and all fields are wide open because people are constantly searching for their preferences.

When you go online with your business idea.  You can deliver as you see fit.

That’s the incredible opportunity that exists in the online space today.  And you have the opportunity of a lifetime to take advantage of it.

For the next article: Click Here for Part 4 of 4: How Dominate Your Niche of Niches


Case Lane is delivering a FREE WEBINAR: How to Start an Online Business With An Idea You Champion!

Thursday 10 am PST via Zoom

Click Here to Register Now!


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When aspiring entrepreneurs begin investigating the options for starting an online business, the variety of options can be overwhelming. People appear to be making money as bloggers, podcasters, vloggers, teachers, and not to mention the all-encompassing ‘influencer.’

The open question is: How do people actually get set-up and become successful online?

Then there’s the terminology.  The word website is ubiquitous, but what about landing page or squeeze page? Email, direct response, digital and targeted marketing? What’s the best approach and best tools for the type of business you want to create?

3 Key Online ‘Presence’ Tools

The most common tools, that you control, for establishing your online space are: your website, landing page and email management. 

If you want to understand more about what the online tools look like, and how you can get set-up using them go to: to get a step-by-step introduction to getting setup on your website, landing page and email management.  And there are videos there too.

Reasons for Using a Specific Tool

You can decide which tool to use based on the depth of online presence you want to have.

You do not have to have a website to have an online presence.  You can use social media to build your online presence or start a YouTube channel.  Or just have an online store through Etsy or WooCommerce.  Establishing your content on a third party brand can act as your website, but that decision has its limitations.

Ask yourself: Do you want or need a specific place where you can send your community, or do you want to be hosted on a third party’s platform.

Important Considerations

If you do not have your own space – you are subject to the other platform’s control. You would end up being dependent on Facebook’s latest rules, or design limitations on a template store or similar constraints developed by others.

The consideration around the type of online presence you want is whether or not you want to have control. 

You also have to consider how you want to scale.  With your own space, you can scale on your own terms.

The question is: Are you a renter or an owner? You can imagine the preferred approach is to own so you can grow and have the flexibility you need.

Landing page or Website?

The terms landing page or squeeze page or lead page or lead magnet, all refer to the same thing.  Your landing page is a one page website that provides information about your business, product or service, and usually prompts the viewer to do something like enter an email address to receive a product from you.

Entrepreneurs start with a landing page as a way to collect e-mail addresses or sign-people up for a webinar or another service.  This is a great way to start if you want to build your community from the beginning, and manage e-mails from the beginning.  It may also be less expensive to have only a landing page instead of a website, and starting with one page helps you get started quickly.

A website is much more in-depth because it has multiple pages, and you can target each page differently.  On the Ready Entrepreneur sites there are pages that provide foundational information about finding your confidence, time, money, value, action and lifestyle – the 6 core factors in Ready Entrepreneur. 

There are posts for the blog.  If you plan to start a blog, you would start with a website, not a landing page.

You can have integrated pages from another site.  If you select the courses page on the Ready Entrepreneur website, it takes you to the platform where my courses live, which is Teachable.

And you can collect e-mails and other information.

In general, you have more flexibility to present more ideas with a website.  All the functionality of a landing page is with a website, but not vice versa.

Collecting E-Mail Addresses 

Whether you start with a website or a landing page, you have to decide if you are going to collect e-mail addresses. 

Why do businesses ask for your email?

The top reason is they want to own a record of interested customers for continued marketing. Over time, you want your own community – that you own – by having a list of emails of people who are interested in what you do, and why you do it.

Almost everyone looks at email every day.  Even the people who use multiple email addresses to keep the marketing separate from personal or business correspond, still definitely look – because they want to see if there are any new deals or offerings that are interesting.  And they know the businesses who have their emails are the businesses they have done business with, and might want to do it again.

An aspiring entrepreneur has to make a decision about collecting emails. Many people may believe it’s an obvious decision, but it’s not as obvious as it sounds.  Once you collect a customer’s e-mail you have to protect it, and you should decide what to do with it.

If you decide to start communicating with the people on your list, you want to be able to provide them with continuously interesting information so that they will remember you, and be engaged with your e-mails. If you decide to neglect communicating, and then suddenly start up again, you may surprise people. If they’ve forgotten you, you may receive a quick unsubscribe.

Before you start collecting e-mails, think about what your plan will be for your email list.

Will you have an opening sequence, a series of emails that are scheduled to send you messages in a defined sequence?

If so then you are probably wanting to use an email management system, like ConvertKit, which is what I use (and for which I’m an affiliate).  At ConvertKit, Mail Chimp and a few other providers, you can set up your account for free. You begin to pay as you attract more subscribers and scale.

If you are not planning to do elaborate communications, or you do not want to have any upfront costs, you can manage emails in a spreadsheet.  However, you have to be careful that your system does not get out of control as your business grows.  If you are planning to do a promotional push to get people to sign-up with you, you probably want to get a paid system, and automated, system.

There are many different email management systems that are differentiated on features and price.  What you want is ease of us and flexibility.  Think about your strategy for emails.  Are you going to have different programs with different lists that need to be managed differently?  Then you definitely want a system that can help you to do that efficiently. 

The considerations are flexibility, growth management and cost.


When you are starting out as an aspiring entrepreneur, you will know doubt look at online resources and try to decide how to use them.

For each option, tactically think through each option to avoid being lost or wasting time trying to make a decision.

  • Decide what kind of online presence you want – your own controlled or hosted on another platform
  • Do you want to manage your own image and style without limitation and not be subject to someone else’s rules, or do you want to keep it simple
  • If you pick your own space – between a landing page or a website do you want to start big or small
  • If you are going to collect emails you have to decide if you want to manually or automatically manage the process
  • Manually is potentially more difficult especially as you grow.
  • Automatically will grow with you, and provide flexibility to do different approaches with different groups
  • Think through your reasons for using a particular tool before you get started.

Disclaimer: Links to Bluehost, Convert Kit and LeadPages are affiliate links which earn for eligible purchases.

by Case Lane

Entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs have a long, dynamic impact on the economy, and society in general.  If you look at the great grand inventions like electricity and automobiles and planes – you can quickly conclude that entrepreneurs are basically indispensable to progress.

Now as our society evolves and changes with technology, what is the role of entrepreneurs? 

In the documentary, Consume this Movie, they put the transition of human labor like this: when human beings first became settled around farms, they traded with each other using barter – you do something for me, I’ll do something for you and it’s even. 

When cities were formed the farmers could sell their goods – grain, fruits and vegetables to the city dwellers and buy stuff they need for the farm – equipment, tools, implements – goods for goods on an individual basis. 

When the industrial age came around, large groups of people left the farm and gave their time and their labor in exchange for money, they earned in large organized industrial enterprises which required concentrations of labor at a time so you traded – time for dollars. 

Now in the technological age, we have a new trade going on for human brainpower – information, knowledge and how-tos.  Which means entrepreneurs are among the best positioned people to take advantage of this evolution.  Because 21st century entrepreneurs like you are all about the application of knowledge, and the distribution of information.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Are you ready to be part of the Brainpower Age?

The brainpower required in the digital age means that instead of needing to have a certain type of body to do a job, you need to have a certain type of mind.  One that can think and produce results through your ability to analysis and act.

An entrepreneur is a brainpower person regardless of the type of product or service you are delivering to the global marketplace.  You have to figure out first where you can add value.  This requires observation, contemplation and curiosity about the opportunities around you.

As an aspiring entrepreneur, the Digital Age is a set-up that’s tailor-made for your chosen pursuit.  Since you are already that person who is looking at the world critically and looking for opportunities.  You are not just going passively go through life.  Even when you may be working at your 9-to-5 or studying in school, you are actively looking at the world, and wondering where you can make your contribution.

This constant firing of your brainpower eventually leads to a spark that creates a business that provides a solution for those who want or need your product or service offering.

The evolution of our labor force towards a more knowledge-based individual is sweeping you up from your position as an entrepreneur.  This inevitability is exciting and loaded with possibility.  The knowledge you gain building your business can translate across other enterprises.

Many entrepreneurs do not build just one business, so your brainpower skills, the successes and challenges, are continuously worthwhile in an advanced economy.

Some may believe the Brainpower Age is going to limit the majority of humans from finding productive employment because, unlike during the agrarian and industrial ages, the thinking you have to do requires analysis that people do not typically use.

Without an education system that encourages analytical thinking, many people will rise to adulthood and not be able to cope with the demands of the tech age.

The transition has already begun, but it’s important to understand, the current lapse is not a permanent state.  The education system just happens to be behind the times, eventually people will catch up.

The Tech Age is Designed for Entrepreneurs

For entrepreneurs, technology is actually designed to allow thinking people to participate in the new economy without having to code.  How often do you see new software that specifically says – no coding required.

Living in the Brainpower Age is not an untouchable reality if you are not an engineer or computer programmer.  You can take advantage of online tools by learning how to use them, or you can use online services to outsource to another individual who is willing and capable of doing the work.

In all cases, you are participating as an entrepreneur in this economy because you are thinking for yourself, and developing your contribution based on your own analysis.  What makes you part of this evolution is your ability to look at the world differently – and to act on what you see

Take Action

As Tony Robbins says – knowledge is not power, execution is power.  You have the knowledge when you see opportunity that you can develop as an entrepreneur.  But you become an entrepreneur when you execute on that knowledge and build your business. 

And you execute really well, when you use existing technology resources to make your business move forward.  You can get your landing page or website up and be doing business all over the world without being a computer programmer.  But you do have to know and understand how to use the software tools that are available.

The difference for today’s entrepreneur is you have to be willing to adapt and experiment even with established software because there are so many features available.  Microsoft Office products have been around for 35 years, which is amazing – and although there are tens of millions of people who use its core products like Word and Excel – there are probably not more than a handful, if any, who know what all the features are.

You, as an aspiring entrepreneur, take the features that are of interest to you, and adapt them to your business.  You can share documents across borders, and people do not need an explanation of how to use the features either.  Everything is just available.

In my fiction books, in the Life Online series, which take place in the near future are about global cyber threats. But the underlying societal situation involves a world where most people are docilely functioning under an omnipresent Network, and thinking people like entrepreneurs are taking advantage of technology to give themselves a better life.

You want to be using your brainpower to ensure you capture the gains of tech change and minimize the losses. 

Summary: Your Opportunity as an Entrepreneur in the Digital Age

  • We are past the time when you bartered and traded your production equally with someone else
  • We are past the time when you produced goods with your labor and sold them for goods that others produced
  • We are past the time when you traded your hours for dollars in organized industrial enterprises
  • Now is the time you can use your brain to create from your imagination, observation and analysis, a valuable product or service that you can deliver directly to those who want or need it
  • As an entrepreneur today, you are participating in the evolution of the labor force and society by being someone who is actively not only observing, but also taking action
  • You provide value through thinking and organizing knowledge in a way that people want and need to absorb it
  • And you create a community, tied to your vision and your brainpower

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Stay One Step Ahead of the Robots

by Case Lane

The rise of technology into every area of our lives has frightened many people into believing the unchecked advances will eventually overwhelm us.  Humans will fight the machines…and lose.

But when humans face a new fear – diseases, rodents, other humans – the response has usually been to…fight.  Throughout history, humans have challenged attackers head on.  The survival instinct has made fighting part of human DNA.

The Rise of Robots

Now comes the rise of robots.  Or more specifically the advent of robotic and artificial intelligence products and services that can replace the work currently being done by humans. The fear is that these technological marvels will render humans useless

People with no work lose their self-confidence and dignity.  They turn to substance abuse, violence and other harms to express their frustration.  A world where humans believe they have no work is a world no humans would want to live in.

Who or What Will End Up Ahead?
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Although many people have been faced with technological change in the workplace, to the point of losing their jobs to technology, the response has been to expect more of the same.

But the response could be…to redefine your value.

The New Hope for Humans

The rise of technology matches the rise of human freedom and independence.  Although there are many governments who will use technology to control their population, the difference with advances in the past is that those governments can also have technology used against them. 

For the first time, the people have within their ‘brain’ power, the opportunity to override government action with technology solutions of their own.  And in so doing to maintain their freedom and independence.

Aspiring entrepreneurs can take advantage of the same opportunity.  The rise of a global, high tech future means the every day person has the opportunity to live life on their terms.

This type of freedom has never existed before in history. People were always constrained.  In the beginning you were politically free but controlled by your resources, and up to the 20th century your freedom was politically controlled although resources were abundant.

Now the shackles are being thrown off, but a new fear has emerged.  The one where you are so free, you are not wanted by anyone, and your value is reduced to nothing by technology that can do everything you can do.

Entrepreneurs Do What the Robots Cannot Do

For an aspiring entrepreneur, this potentially dire fate is actually an open door.  Aspiring entrepreneurs can control of their own futures, by starting a business, defining the value you intend to create, and becoming valued for being human with the ability to deliver your product and service in a way only humans can make viable.

Entrepreneurs by definition identify new opportunities.  Sometimes the product or service you intend to bring to market already exists in form.  If you want to help people learn to paint, or sing or you want to create a new bag or t-shirt.  Those products and services exist – but they may not necessarily exist for the audience you intend to target.

For the aspiring entrepreneur, your audience is the one that wants the product or service from you because of the way you design, produce and/or distribute it.  You can buy books anywhere, but you buy books on Amazon because they are delivered to your door. 

Many companies make computers, but people buy Apple computers because they’re slickly designed.

And when it comes to fashion – t-shirts to haut couture dresses, flip-flops to high heels – the marketplace wants an extraordinary variety of products.

Entrepreneurs fill gaps in the global marketplace.  The plan for the robots is to do work that already exists.  But not all work can be delivered by robots.  Even if you believe that may not be the case someday, the chances that you living right now, will see robots do absolutely every single possible job in the world is probably zero.

Robots also do not do the most human-contact type of work from hair stylists to surgeons.  As long as humans want to maintain contact with humans in professions where human thought and interaction are required, the robots will be one step behind.

The Technology Risk to Entrepreneurs

Now obviously there are no guarantees.  Science and technology can accelerate at any moment and place your business at a disadvantage.  But that has been the prediction throughout history.  Sometimes when technology replaces an entrenched product or service, the product makes a comeback, or evolves to fulfill a new need. 

Vinyl records now sell for 5 or 10 times the price people used to pay for them because the once ubiquitous item has become a novelty people purchase as a gift or collector’s item.

Other items like the 8-track tape player are not expected to return, ever.

But as an aspiring entrepreneur with one eye on the global marketplace and the other on your niche audience’s demands, you can hedge your own bets about what may or may not work by focusing on fulfilling the need your audience has right now.

The path to controlling your professional life runs through entrepreneurship.  By turning yourself into a person who recognizes a gap in the market, you can deliver value to more people who are searching for the same thing.

Because you have to find a product or service that your audience wants or needs, by definition, that product or service does not already exist.  And therefore the chance that robots or A.I. can deliver the product or service also does not yet exist.

If you are fulfilling someone else’s vision or working at a company where someone has a specific idea about how the product or service is delivered, you likely have limited flexibility within your job, and perhaps in the not to distant future, no job at all.

Any product or service that exists today is vulnerable to replacement by technology.  Robots or A.I. can do many of the activities that humans have always done. 

Which job is next for replacement?

At Singapore’s state-of-the-art Changi International Airport, one of the best airports in the world, passengers with time to spare can leave their luggage in traditional baggage storage, or self check-in the baggage at the same time as themselves.

The process involves no humans, only sensors, cameras and prompts provided to you by a screen.  An airline ticket counter agent was a position that required training.  But the functions were easily automated.  The checks and controls gate agents used to provide were covered by cameras.  And the rest of the task was left up to the passenger.

As you consider today’s employment field, focus on the positions that have repetitive and mechanical steps.  Those are the jobs that can be replaced. 

As an aspiring entrepreneur, you create the job for yourself and your team.  You are not, at least not immediately, facing the same vulnerability to replacement as existing controlled positions.  As long as you maintain your unique approach to the product or service you are delivering, you maintain your distinct advantage over the robots. 

The job you create for yourself by becoming an entrepreneur puts you in charge of a future you create.

Cherish the Value of Humans

Your vision is singular.  Can robots see the world as we do?  Not yet, and probably not ever.  Because it’s the essential humanness of ourselves that we put into our business that makes it valuable to other humans.

As long as humans value humans.  We will value what humans do.  And your opportunity to be your own boss and be part of the global marketplace comes from your ability to put something new and differentiated in to it.

You stay one step ahead of the robots by identifying the value you add to the marketplace, and making that value available to those who want and need your product.  

If you are still trying to think of an idea, or you are working on building your business, either way, you are already ahead of the airline counter agents, and those like them whose tasks can be performed by technology.

And if you continue to build on your idea and make your business successful.  You are also one step ahead of those who are missing out on the life they really want because they work on someone else’s dreams.

You get to your life dream through globalization and technology.  Even if you have been negatively affected by the twin forces of 21st century change, you can use the setback to your advantage, by leveraging the exact same forces that upended you, to make a better world for yourself.

In summary:

Stay One Step Ahead of the Robots:

  • Globalization and technology are the twin forces of change that are here to stay
  • Many jobs from airline ticket counter agents and beyond will be replaced by technology solutions
  • You can hedge your bets against being replaced by robots or A.I., by developing your business idea
  • Your business idea is designed by you to bring value to the global marketplace based on gaps and opportunities that you can see need to be filled.
  • You develop your idea based on your individual uniqueness and qualities that appeal to your audience
  • You create a product or service that is valued for its innovation, production or distribution – and therefore is unique to the vision you have seen
  • You stay one step ahead of the robots by creating your own business, providing a product or service that is valued in the global marketplace, and continuing to deliver results for your audience