Download Recast: The Aspiring Entrepreneur’s Practical Guide to Getting Started with an Online Business
Your First Ten Actions to Take When Getting Started

You find your CONFIDENCE by just getting started.
Take 15 minutes today to begin researching your business idea.
Don’t have an idea?
Download your FREE copy of 100 Online Business Ideas and take 15 minutes to research the suggestion that best suits your knowledge, skills or interests.
The more time you spend understanding the business you want to start and the opportunities for your idea – the more knowledge you will acquire…
…and the more knowledge you acquire, the more confident you will feel about starting your business.
If you are doubting whether you can start a business and become a self-sufficient entrepreneur, we are going to help you learn to: FUEL YOUR FIRE! – Get your Emotions to Agree with Your Idea.
You have a business idea (or ideas) in your head, which means you already know you want to be an entrepreneur, but you are held back by FEAR. Don’t worry, your emotions are real and your feelings are common. The difference is now you are going to recognize your fear and conquer it to move forward.
Ready Entrepreneur is about getting you to the starting line for launching your business. In the Olympics, there is a starting line for sprinters, marathoners, walkers, swimmers, cyclists, skiers – the variety of activities that launch from the starting line are endless. But the process to get to the starting line is similar. Everyone needs to be fueled to get there. And your mental fuel is as critical as your physical fuel.
In your case, as entrepreneurs, your mental fuel will be the foundation for launching your business. But we believe you will only get there, if your mind is focused on succeeding. And you focus by understanding, your mind is already set up for entrepreneurship:
Why do you have business ideas in your head?
You see:
You have these ideas because you have the drive to do more with your life than is expected
The great companies of the world were built by people who recognized these gaps in the economy and decided to fill them. You are one of these people.
Embrace this fact about yourself. This is not embarrassing or abnormal. You are part of a long tradition of progress led by people who saw opportunities and moved forward with them.
Every major business you have heard of came from people like you who had an idea in their head.
And it’s not just the big names…
Look around your community at your favorite family run restaurant, or the boutique store with such unique clothes, or the last independent bookstore
And go online…
Where you can purchase jewelry, clothes, books, courses, music, games, directly from the person who created the product
Every one of these businesses started with an individual’s idea
You have these ideas in your head because you want to be an entrepreneur.
You want to launch a business.
You want to have control of your life.
You want to make money.
You want to work on your own terms
What are these ideas trying to tell you?
If you’re constantly thinking about business opportunities, I’m guessing you’re an entrepreneur.
These ideas popping into your head are real, and they are trying to get you to jumpstart on your entrepreneurial career.
The fact the ideas keep changing and updating is part of the process. You might have one idea, you’ve never been able to shake, or you have a new idea every week. Either way, your brain is looking for the best idea for you to implement. And the ideas will keep coming, because ultimately you’re an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurs put ideas into action.
But this is you. These ideas are trying to tell you to move forward and execute on your entrepreneurial dreams.
The first step to finding your confidence is to recognize:
You are an Entrepreneur. Because you have business ideas, you understand why you have these ideas and you want to turn your ideas into a successful business.