Ready Entrepreneur

Are you a businessperson or an entrepreneur?

People often ask the question: What is the difference between a businessperson and an entrepreneur? Some would say the businessperson is the blue suited MBA with a briefcase, process workflows, five-year strategic plans and a corporate AMEX card…. Read More

Prepare to Pitch Investors in under Five Minutes: Tips for Rising Entrepreneurs

Are you ready to pitch your business idea in under one minute? You have one minute. One minute to convince someone with money to give you money for your business. Have you prepared? Rising Entrepreneurs have an opportunity… Read More

How do you define Real Success as an Entrepreneur?

When people set out with a goal, like to start their own business, the achievement is clear. When the business opens, the goal has been reached. But many entrepreneurs do not feel successful at that moment. Doubt quickly… Read More

They said Doing a Webinar was Easy…27 Tech Tools later I figured it out…

For those of you building an online business using the available tools, and your own brainpower, hang with me for this one… Online entrepreneurship is made possible by the technology. Processes that used to have huge barriers to… Read More

Can Entrepreneurship be Taught?

Who are the entrepreneurs in the world, the people who start businesses? Could it be the most clever or the hustler or the cheapskate or the visionary or the lucky or the hardest working or the liar or… Read More

What is Lifestyle Freedom?

When people toss around a term like ‘lifestyle freedom,’ I have to ask: What do you mean? When you think about the term ‘lifestyle freedom’ do you have a definition in mind? Or more likely, a vision. Some… Read More

Start Your Business Around Your 9-to-5 Job

Some of you have asked, ‘how do I balance becoming an entrepreneur while still keeping up my 9-to-5 job?’ For the answer, I go back to a basic question: What are you trying to achieve with your life?… Read More