Download Recast: The Aspiring Entrepreneur’s Practical Guide to Getting Started with an Online Business
Your First Ten Actions to Take When Getting Started

An aspiring entrepreneur stays ‘aspiring’ when no action is taken to create an online business.
Many say they do not have the time, money, idea or audience for getting started. But those are all excuses. Anyone who has the desire to become an entrepreneur can change their life forever, by taking relentless action.
To get started, an aspiring entrepreneur must have firm control over three key factors and take 3 forward-moving actions:
The factors are: Confidence, Time and Money…
…and the relentless actions are:
Before you dive into the world of online business, make sure you have leveled up your confidence so that you are comfortable executing on the ideas and training you receive, and able to continue to implement until you achieve your goals.
To find the time you need, set a schedule. Even if you have only 15 minutes a day, set that time aside to work on your business and gradually increase the scheduled time.
To finance your business, and as you start earning income, manage your money for success, keep track of your expenses, and set, and expect, a return on investment (ROI) for every dollar you put into your business, events, coaching, tools and resources.
For many, the plan sounds good, but it still does not happen. Relentless action means you start, and continue with implementing the changes necessary to achieve your goals.
But without a radical change in your thinking, nothing is going to happen.
An aspiring entrepreneur can know many proven approaches to getting started with an online business, and could be absolutely committed to making the entrepreneurship dream come true. But another layer of activity is required before the momentum starts to change, and the vision becomes reality.
The transformation begins with how you view your opportunity. Business is a confidence game. Several famous businesses were given little encouragement to keep going. But the entrepreneurs who invented them had other plans…and the confidence to keep going.
But first you have to start working on your business…in any form necessary. Confidence comes from taking action. Any action.
Start by setting up your workspace and getting it organized. Watch videos and listen to podcasts about having the confidence to get started. Research your business idea. Find a successful business you can model, and begin immediately documenting everything you can do to mimic their approach.
Do not steal ideas or infringe on copyrights, but you can look at webpage design, marketing approaches, product styles and messaging to get an idea of how you want to market your business.
As you begin to complete activities and document the information you are receiving, you may realize that your fear 🎙️ is starting to fade.
Many aspiring entrepreneurs do not start a business because their lack of confidence is based in fear. Close friends and family say that starting a business is a bad idea, and encourage rising entrepreneurs to ‘just get a regular job.’
But your entrepreneur part of aspiring does not just want a regular job. You want your own online business and all of the value that comes with it.
With all the old statements and comments from others rattling around in your brain, as an aspiring entrepreneur, you must find the confidence to move forward on your own.
You can change your relationship to confidence by learning how to acquire it. But first you must recognize that it’s missing. If you have an idea about starting your online business, but have never actually started; if you bought a bunch of courses but never clicked beyond the first video; if you have listened to several gurus but never implemented their teachings; then you are probably just too afraid to get started.
You might be thinking if you succeed, you will lose friends, stability and security. But at the same time, that is exactly what you want.
If the friends you have are holding you back from your true calling, are they really friends? When the stability you want is in a job where people talk behind your back and you do not know your next assignment, is it really stability? If the security you need has you counting every penny and living paycheck-to-paycheck, is it really security?
Maybe getting rid of false notions is exactly what you need. You want to lose all these incorrect perceptions about your own reality.
To move forward, you must really learn how to build and grow your confidence. Study the teachings of popular personal development gurus – you can find videos and podcasts explaining how to understand your subconscious mind and control your impulse to work against your own goals.
In general, personal development education teaches you to understand how you make decisions. It begins with how you think, followed by how you feel. The way you think leads to the way you feel which leads to the actions you take which leads to the results you achieve.
Change your thinking and you’ll change your life.
That’s not just a saying. It’s the implemented reality of thousands of successful people. And you don’t need to outpace yourself and your own beliefs to begin to change your thinking. You can start small.
Use the organization of your time as a real action goal to manage your schedule and give yourself the freedom to work on your business every day. Many people say they do not have enough time, but everyone has the same amount of time.
The high performance billionaire has the same amount of time as the factory worker. The only difference is in how they use it. You must use your time in productive achievement. If you currently claim to have no time, start getting up a half hour earlier or going to sleep a half hour later. For those who claim to ‘need sleep,’ identify where in your day you are not being productive.
Do you stand in line for coffee? Commute? Lean against the water cooler trading jokes? Binge watch shows?
Maybe you have more time than you have ever thought to consider.
And if you do not believe you have one hour, start with 15 minutes. Set a timer and give yourself 15 minutes to work on your business.
Schedule your 15 minutes. Put a reminder on your phone. Experiment with different times of the day, but stick to your goal for at least 21 days (then 90, then 365).
Once you schedule 15 minutes a day at a set time every day, and stick to it, you can start to develop a habit…and habits are hard to break.
Sadly too many of us were not taught good habits. We laughed about sleeping in all day. But we are not laughing now that we are struggling to have a comfortable life and do what we really want to do.
No one is laughing about worrying about money, missing vacations, doing a job you hate or living in fear. But you do not have to stay somber. The habit of working on your business will take you from 15 minutes to 30 to an hour. And before you realize what has happened, your online business will begin to form into reality.
And you will want to start laughing again. But you may face another obstacle that has derailed many aspiring entrepreneurs. You may be afraid to make an investment in growing your business because you fear you do not have enough money.
One reason we live in a world where many face poverty and struggle is because most people are not taught how to manage their money. Everyone should have lessons in how to earn, invest, grow and keep their money.
Struggle comes from not knowing how to take full advantage of the time that we have. Most working people trade time for money. The money that others decide to pay us. When you trade time for money, the only way to grow towards wealth is to invest part of the money in appreciating assets. Unfortunately, most do not have that leftover part to invest. Because most assume it will be leftover, after all expenses have been paid. But that formula almost always means there is nothing leftover.
To make sure you can invest what you earn, you have to invest before you spend. And one of those investments is in your own online business.
Some will say it is not possible to invest first because they do not have the money.
But remember when you first started working, you went from zero to a wage or salary. Prior to receiving that money you were alive, somehow fed, clothed and functioning as a civilized human. Yet when you started to earn money, you started to spend it…all of it.
When you received a raise, you spent that too. Same with bonuses, same with gifts…you spent it all. So now you have to go back in time. Go back to zero.
Either cut out expenses, get a second job, start doing freelance work or start your online business now. Your investment funds have to come from somewhere. You have to create a gap between the money you earn and the money you spend so that you can invest towards the money you grow and keep.
The money you invest in your online business is your initial seed money – a loan from personal you to business you, to pay the hosting fee for your website or landing page or to boost a social media post to reach a larger audience.
As you put your plans together to start an online business, focus on the activities you can immediately do to give yourself momentum. As your initial actions are completed, you will begin to develop the confidence you need to reach out to your potential dream customers and offer them the product or service that can deliver the solution they have been seeking.
Aspiring entrepreneurs too often wait or never get started because they believe they lack confidence, time or money to start an online business. But each of those factors can be addressed and conquered by understanding the impact on your thoughts, and the most effective approach for moving forward.
Your own online business provides the opportunity to achieve professional satisfaction, financial security and lifestyle freedom. In a rapidly changing world, where having a comfortable life is no longer the common outcome, you must find a new path to the life that you really want, and understand the actions you need to take to complete the journey.